Episode 7. The #1 Missing Ingredient from Your Rock Audition -- ATTITUDE

In this episode, I share the 6 main attitudes of rock music that should form the foundation of your rock auditions. 

Ever wonder why your rock auditions are missing the mark?  You’ve got the right song, the right cut, the right range, the right pop “isms,” but there’s still something that’s “off.” 

I see this all the time in students, and it can be super frustrating for them because they seem to have it ALL TOGETHER.

What’s that certain something that is missing?  I call it ATTITUDE.

More than just being “angsty” or “sexy” or “groovy,” ATTITUDE grows from something much deeper.  Attitude is your world view.  How you walk through life everyday.  Your demeanor, your disposition, the ways you interact with the world. That banner that you raise up high and say, “this is what I stand for.”  That’s attitude.

In rock music, performers’ attitudes and world views can be boiled down to 6 main archetypes - the Rebel, the Seductress, the Life of the Party, the Sage, the Epic, and the Confessor.

Join me as I discuss each of these archetypes in depth and give you the exact inner monologues you can use in your own audition.

Press play and let’s discover which archetype you are most aligned with!



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  1. Be yourself to the 100th degree.  Dare to turn people off, because the flip side of that is finding the people that see how PERFECT you are for their show.

  2. When we meet people with a similar worldview we resonate with on a vibrational level.  Claim your identity and raise your banner high.  When you do, your audience will be able to find you and resonate with you.

  3. Pop artists become popular because they express an attitude and worldview that millions of young people can identify with. 

  4. When you perform your rock audition, what’s written on your banner?  What worldview are you owning?  Are you embodying the spirit of the artist?

  5. The 6 main attitudes of rock music span generations and genres.  They are – The Rebel, the Seductress, the Life of the Party, the Sage, the Drama Queen, and the Confessor.  Try to find which categories you lean toward personally, and sing the songs by those artists.

  6. When preparing a rock song you’ve got to do all the same prep you do for a theatre song.  It’s just that the “play” you’re reading is the historical time they lived in, and the character analysis is diving into the life of that particular artist.  Then you can step into their worldview and raise their banner when you sing their songs.

Thank you so much for listening!

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